How it all started...
Pastor Doug founded The Way Congregation in July of 2016 though it was many years in the making. After graduating college and serving as a missionary for a year in Bolivia where he taught English to hundreds of students, worked with orphans, and built a playground, Doug moved to Summit County, CO to be in ski country. Good mentoring from Mountain Ministries and Dillon Community Church, helped him realize his passion for studying God's Word. He discovered a program to learn Hebrew on a Kibbutz which led him to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. While there, he studied biblical and modern Hebrew, Aramaic, Akkadian, Greek, and other languages and earned his MA in the Bible and its world in 2000.
Doug a moved to California and began teaching at the Calvary Chapel School of Ministry and then was hired as a full time pastor and teacher in 2005. Though Doug was sympathetic to the Sabbath, God's Feasts, and eating clean, he still understood those as things that were for the Jews only. Nevertheless, after a number of encounters and discoveries, the pieces began to fit together that God has one plan for the commonwealth of Israel and not two plans, one for the Jews and one for the church. This understanding of being grafted in led him to understand that the Sabbath, God's feasts, eating clean, and the rest of God's commandments are for all who put their trust in Yeshua, not only for the Jews. In 2016, Doug and family moved back to Colorado, and with the understanding that we are grafted in to Israel, he found the Way Congregation to serve as a bridge between the Jews and the gentile Church.
Doug a moved to California and began teaching at the Calvary Chapel School of Ministry and then was hired as a full time pastor and teacher in 2005. Though Doug was sympathetic to the Sabbath, God's Feasts, and eating clean, he still understood those as things that were for the Jews only. Nevertheless, after a number of encounters and discoveries, the pieces began to fit together that God has one plan for the commonwealth of Israel and not two plans, one for the Jews and one for the church. This understanding of being grafted in led him to understand that the Sabbath, God's feasts, eating clean, and the rest of God's commandments are for all who put their trust in Yeshua, not only for the Jews. In 2016, Doug and family moved back to Colorado, and with the understanding that we are grafted in to Israel, he found the Way Congregation to serve as a bridge between the Jews and the gentile Church.

Walking the way Yeshua walked means we..
We are called to make disciples who walk like Yeshua walked. Taht means that we need a team of like-minded disciples who are committed to taking the good news to our communities, college campuses, and cities in the Denver area. Part
•Make Disciples
•Expect Miracles•Celebrate God’s Feasts
•Care for Others (Tikun Olam)
•Embrace Suffering for God’s glory
•Make Disciples
•Expect Miracles•Celebrate God’s Feasts
•Care for Others (Tikun Olam)
•Embrace Suffering for God’s glory
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Saturday (Shabbat) as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am.